Semra Dalkılıç

Semra Dalkılıç

Araştırmacı - Hititolog

Ph. D. Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences – 2017 /
Thesis: The Evaluation of Hittite Seals in Terms of Political, Social and Cultural Aspects

MA Degree HBV University Institute of Social Sciences – 2014 / 2016
Thesis: The Emergence of Central Assyrian State and Political Activities During the Period of Tiglat-Pileser I

BA Degree Department of Ancient Languages and Cultures, Ankara University. 2015-2021
Thesis: The Establishment Problem of the Hittite Kingdom

BA Degree Gazi University – 2010 / 2014
Thesis: Muskiler: in the Light of Written Documents

Fall 2021-Summer 2022: The University of Chicago NELC: Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Division of the Humanities Position: Visiting Scholor
Fall 2019-Spring 2020: University of Pavia Italy Department of Humanities Position: Visiting Scholar
Turkish History Foundation 2018-2021 Position PhD

Article: A Consıderatıon on the Identıty of the Ḫaštayar, 2020, A Life Dedicated to Anatolian Prehistory: Fetschrift for Jak Yakar (Book Editor)
Book Review: Çivi Yazılı Belgelerde ve Hitit Mühürlerindeki ziti- İsimleri Hakkında Bazı Görüşler, Oğuz Soysal, 2019 İstanbul, Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayınları
Article: The Lost Capital: Tarhuntassa, 2021, ICMUSS (International Congress on Multidiscilinary Social Sciences)
Book: Transliteration and Transcriptions of Hittite Political Texts (It will be published in December 2021)

Approachable, hard-working, pro-active and
Solid planning and administrative
The ability to work and liaise between different social and professional groups (students, academic and general staff, field technicians, and general members of the public) of any age, with both a professional and friendly manner.
Focused and calm under pressure with an aptitude for problem-solving.
Organised and can efficiently pick up on new skills and master them with minimal
Thorough enjoyment of outdoor field work, excavation, survey, and data collection, with strong conservation and horticultural interests and

Technical/Software Skills
Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, CorelDRAW: Graphic Design, Illustration and Technical Software
Digital drawing of cuneiform texts with a graphic tablet

Şafak Beldan

Öğrenci Asistan

Hazel Yamaç Kara

Öğrenci Asistan

Seminay Kabadayı

Öğrenci Asistan

Melih Salih Keçeci

Araştırmacı - Hititolog

Enes Öztürk

Ön Yüz Geliştirmecisi